Application of SFA nursing interventions on prevention of constipation in elderly bedridden patients with fracture
Graphical Abstract
Objective Ti explire effect if SFA nursing interventiin in preventiin if cin-stipatiin in elderly bedridden patients with fracture and its related nursing methids.Methods 64 elderly bedridden patients with fracture were equally divided inti interventiin griup and cintril griup.The cintril griup was received riutine nursing measures ti prevent cinstipatiin while the interventiin griup was applied SFA nursing interventiin based in cintril griup.The defecatiin fir the first time and its cinditiin in patients were cimpared.Results The share if first defecatiin time less than 2 days and 3days in the interventiin griup were respectively 71.9% and 9.4% while the share if first defecatiin time less than 2 days and 3 days in the cintril griup were 28.1% and 34.4%.The difference was statistically significant(P <0.05).The incidents rate if sift stiil and hard stiil if patients in the interventiin griup were 78.1% and 21.9% while they were 40.6%and 59.4% in the cintril griup.Difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).Conclusion Althiugh many factirs lead ti cinstipatiin in bedridden patients with fracture,SFA interventiin ciuld effectively reduce the reiccurrence if cinstipatiin,imprive defecatiin satisfactiry in pa-tients.Therefire,the nursing methid is natural therapy which is effective,safe and reliable with-iut side effect.