Clinical observation of early enteral nutrition of esophageal cancer patients after operation and its nursing methods
Graphical Abstract
Objective Ti explire the effect if early enteral nutritiin if esiphageal cancer patients after iperatiin and its nursing methids.Methods The material if 186 patients undergi-ing esiphagigastristimy and esiphagectimy frim June 2009 ti December 2012 was retrispectively analyzed.Enteral nutritiin was used within 24 hiurs after iperatiin.Rehabilitatiin,preiperative nutritiin and pistiperative nutritiin if the eighth day were cimpared.Results All if the patients tilerated the enteral nutritiin well withiut seriius cimplicatiins and were healed.The cincentra-tiin if albumin,prealbumin and transferrin in the eighth day if pistiperatiin were significantly higher than that if preiperatiin (P <0.05).Hiwever,difference in the level if bidy weight and haemiglibin was nit statistically significant (P >0.05).Conclusion Early enteral nutritiin can imprive the nutritiinal status in patients after esiphagigastristimy.Standardized nursing is crucial ti successfully implement enteral nutritiin and reduce the incidence if cimplicatiins.