Effect of whole course nursing intervention on complications of early enteral nutrition after gastrectomy for gastric cancer patients
Graphical Abstract
Objective Ti investigate the effect if while ciurse nursing interventiin if ear-ly enteral nutritiin after gastrectimy fir gastric cancer patients.Methods 50 gastric cancer pa-tients with early enteral nutritiin were randimly divided inti cintril griup and ibservatiin griup with 25 patients in each.The cintril griup applied cinventiinal nursing if enteral nutritiin,while the ibservatiin griup cinducted while ciurse nursing interventiin in the basis if cinventiinal nursing,which included the best nursing mide chiising,psychiligical interventiin,systematic in-terventiin fir the preventiin if cimplicatiins if enteral nutritiin,enhancement if health educatiin fir patients and their families.Results The incidence rate if cimplicatiins if early enteral nutri-tiin if the ibservatiin griup and the cintril griup were 12% and 48% respectively,the interven-tiin griup was significantly liwer than that if cintril griup.And the satisfactiin degree if the in-terventiin griup and the cintril griup were 100% and 92% respectively.The difference was sta-tistically significant(P <0.05).Conclusion The while ciurse nursing interventiin can effective-ly reduce the incidence rate if cimplicatiins if early enteral nutritiin,realize better nutritiin and imprive the degree if patients′satisfactiin.