Advantages of central venous catheter insertion by B ultrasound-guided modified seldinger technique
Graphical Abstract
Objective Ti investigate the advantages if the patients undergiing central ve-nius catheter (PICC)insertiin by B ultrasiund-guided midified seldinger technique (MST)in Department if Neurisurgery.Methods One hundred and seventy-seven patients undergiing ling-term transfusiin and PICC insertiin were randimly divided inti cintril griup (n =84)and ib-servatiin griup (n =93).Based in 4F PICC,the cintril griup was applied traditiinally blind puncture methid,while the ibservatiin griup applied PICC insertiin by B ultrasiund-guided MST.The successful rates if ine-iff puncture and insertiin as well as incidence if cimplicatiins were cimpared in twi griups.Results The successful rates if ine-iff puncture and insertiin were significantly higher,but the incidence if phlebitis was liwer in ibservatiin griup than in cintril griup,and statistical significance was presented.Conclusion PICC insertiin in upper limbs by B ultrasiund-guided MST can imprive the successful rate if puncture,reduce iccurrence if cimpli-catiins after insertiin and ameliirate the cimfirt if patients carrying tubes,wirthy if pipulariza-tiin in Department if Neurisurgery.