
Comparison of clinical efficacy between low-temperature plasma scalpel and ultrasonic scalpel in resection of epiglottic cysts under suspension laryngoscopy

  • 摘要:
    目的 比较支撑喉镜下低温等离子刀与超声刀切除会厌囊肿的临床疗效。
    方法 选取会厌囊肿患者120例,分为等离子组与超声刀组,每组60例。等离子组采用支撑喉镜下低温等离子刀切除术治疗会厌囊肿,超声刀组采用支撑喉镜下超声刀切除术治疗会厌囊肿。记录2组患者手术时间、伤口愈合时间、治疗过程中出血量,比较2组患者治疗后1、3、5 d疼痛情况,治疗1个月后2组患者的治疗有效率及并发症情况。
    结果 等离子组治疗时间短于超声刀组,出血量少于超声刀组,治疗后伤口愈合时间短于超声刀组; 等离子组术后疼痛较超声刀组轻,术后并发症少于超声刀组。2组以上指标比较,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。
    结论 支撑喉镜下低温等离子刀在治疗会厌囊肿方面有更好的效果,优于超声刀,可以缩短手术时间及减少出血量,减轻患者疼痛,降低并发症发生率。


    Objective To compare the clinical efficacy of resecting epiglottic cysts using low-temperature plasma scalpel versus ultrasonic scalpel under suspension laryngoscopy.
    Methods A total of 120 patients with epiglottic cysts were selected and divided into plasma group and ultrasonic scalpel group, with 60 cases in each group. The plasma group underwent resection of epiglottic cysts with low-temperature plasma scalpel under suspension laryngoscopy, while the ultrasonic scalpel group was treated with ultrasonic scalpel under suspension laryngoscopy. The operation time, the time from postoperation to complete wound healing, and the amount of bleeding during treatment were recorded. Pain levels at 1, 3, and 5 d after treatment, as well as the effectiveness of treatment and complication rates one month later were compared between the two groups.
    Results The operation time and blood loss in the plasma group were lower or shorter than those in the ultrasonic scalpel group(P < 0.05). The wound healing time in the plasma group was shorter, postoperative pain was less, and the incidence of complications was lower in the ultrasonic scalpel group compared to the ultrasonic scalpel group (P < 0.05).
    Conclusion Under suspension laryngoscopy, the low-temperature plasma scalpel is more effective in treating epiglottic cysts than the ultrasonic scalpel, which can shorten operation time and reduce blood loss, alleviate pain, and decrease the rate of complications.


