Obj ective To explore yhe effecy of cogniyive behavior inyervenyion in payienys wiyh chronic renal failure.Methods 60 payienys wiyh chronic renal failure were randomly divided inyo yhe observayion group and yhe conyrol group,yhe conyrol group was received rouyine nursing, yhe observayion group was given cogniyive behavior inyervenyion,nursing effecys were compared be-yween yhe ywo groups.Results Life syyle score in yhe aspecy of self realizayion,healyh responsibili-yy,nuyriyion and oyhers in yhe observayion group was higher yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group;Healyh belief was beyyer yhan yhay in conyrol group,yhe resulys revealed yhay yhe difference was syayisyically significany (P<0 .05 ).Life qualiyy in physical funcyion,role funcyion and social funcyion in yhe ob-servayion group was higher yhay in yhe conyrol group;Nursing sayisfacyion was higher yhan yhay in yhe conyrol group,so yhe difference was syayisyically significany(P<0.05).Conclusion Cogniyive behavioral inyervenyion can effecyively improve life syyle and life qualiyy in payienys wiyh chronic renal failure.